Easy and simple design of a table and chair set, fully made with pallets


Today I propose you to make a chair and a very simple table made ​​of wooden pallets. We are going to need at least a wooden pallet for each item and deconstruct them, Due to the design which is very basic and it’s built directly from the pallet boards.

If you want to know how to disassemble a pallet quickly and without getting hurt you may consider consulting the following link: How dismantelle a wooden pallet?

Easy and simple design of a table and chair set fully made with pallets_2

To build the seat of the chair you will have to cut the wooden boards according to the measurements that you want to give to it, then  join all this boards using 2 croosed more boards and some nails, the result should be like the seat that you can see in the picture above. The back and the rear legs will be done with 2 long tables joined together, as you can see in the below image. The front legs will follow the same design but with a shorter boards. By following these steps you should build a chair like the one on the picture shown at the top of the post, very simple but functional.

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The table is constructed in a some way similar to the chair. First build the top of the table in the same way that you used to build the seat of the chair, with the difference that instead of joining them with other boards below, we will fix them with 2 boards at the sides, leaving a result like the one that you can see in the photo. Finally we will attach the four legs to the sides, and crossing two more boards between this legs, we will stabilize the whole structure. We’ll get all the slats from a deconstructed wooden pallet like the we’ve done with the chair.

Easy and simple design of a table and chair set fully made with pallets_4

Easy and simple design of a table and chair set fully made with pallets

Do you like this DIY pallet chair and table? Do you want to look other DIY pallet chairs and tables?

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